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Partner Post: Tips for Furnace Maintenance to Keep You Cozy This Winter

Just like the rest of your home appliances, your furnace needs some TLC and special attention every once in a while to make sure it’s functioning at its very highest level. A low-functioning furnace means it’s essentially 50 percent less efficient than it would be if it received regular maintenance. But don’t worry, because regular maintenance doesn’t require a whole lot of time and energy. It’s simply a matter of remembering to take care of that hard-working HVAC system that keeps you warm during the winter months.

A happy home is one that gets extra love every now and then, and a little goes a long way. That’s why we’ve rounded up some of the very best tricks and tips to help your furnace stay in working condition all winter long and to help you stay cozy, too.

  • Whether it's gas or electric, the first step to furnace maintenance is always to turn off the appliance. No matter what kind of furnace you have, there will be a switch or some instruction to help keep you safe while making home repairs.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a snorkel attachment to remove all dust, debris, and other build-up from the nooks and crannies of your furnace.
  • Arguably one of the most important parts of regular furnace maintenance is to check and change the filter. A dirty and used filter is a main cause of furnace malfunction and an inefficiency, so checking and changing your furnace’s filters during both the cold and warm seasons are crucial in preventing breakdowns and keeping your energy bill low. How you clean and maintain your furnace filter depends on what kind of machine you have in your home. Some filters can last for up to three months without being cleaned or replaced, and some require regular attention each month to work efficiently. Find out what kind of furnace you have and then do some research to discover the best way to properly take care of your appliance.
  • Just like your car, your furnace also has a fan belt that drives the blower. This piece of equipment certainly undergoes the usual everyday wear and tear and can begin to loosen or even break over time. So, while you’re inspecting the area, also check the fan belt for signs of cracking, glazing, or loosening. If any of these signs are evident, it’s time to replace it.
  • After you’ve given your furnace a thorough and proper inspection it’s time to seal things back up for the month. Put the cover on, flip your switch back on, and get cozy!

By using these tips you'll keep your furnace running more efficiently so that it can better heat your home all winter long. 

About the Author

Katherine Oakes is a writer, yoga instructor, and vocalist living in Northern New Jersey who loves writing for <a href="">Modernize</a> with the goal of empowering homeowners with the expert guidance and educational tools they need to take on big home projects with confidence.

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