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Tips for Community Summer Safety

It’s summertime, and you’ll likely see more activity within your community, with homeowners hosting gatherings, enjoying the amenities, and getting some fresh air. As an association leader, it’s important to foster an atmosphere of fun and friendliness, but it’s equally necessary to take steps to ensure the community’s safety. That includes everything from confirming equipment is working properly to making efforts to prevent crime. Here are some tips to promote a safe and secure summer for all homeowners.

Pool Safety

A pool can be a community’s most-used amenity during the summer months. It can also be the most dangerous. Beyond performing regular maintenance, setting capacity limits, and following legal rules and regulations, there are other ways to increase pool safety, including:

  • Assigning a pool monitor or lifeguard.
  • Enhancing lighting around the pool.
  • Installing non-slip surfaces.
  • Constantly observing pool chemical levels.

Grill Safety

It’s easy to love barbecue season—grilled meats, vegetables, and fruits all signal the best of summer. Maintaining the grill, on the other hand, is a chore. It requires extra time and effort, and many often see it as non-essential. Unfortunately, it’s necessary to keep grills in top shape while they’re in use and when they’re not. Simple ways to prevent community grills from causing a fire include:

  • Keeping the area around the grills clean and free of debris and leaves.
  • Trimming branches that are close to or hanging over grills.
  • Storing a fire extinguisher nearby for emergency use.

Nighttime Safety

Days are longer during the summer, and the sun doesn’t go down until well after bedtime for some people. It’s good to keep measures in place to help protect neighbors who prefer to wait until the day cools to venture out. While you should always follow the standards and requirements outlined in your governing documents, some practical tips for increasing nighttime safety include:

  • Installing reflectors on posts or driveways that may pose a safety threat.
  • Encouraging neighbors to walk in pairs or groups.
  • Creating a nighttime neighborhood watch program or committee.
  • Maintaining strong partnerships with the local police and fire departments.
  • Keeping outdoor areas clear of overgrown foliage.
  • Ensuring pathways, streets, signs, and buildings are well-lit.

Pet Safety

Pets are valued members of the family. As such, it’s important to remember that summer can be one of the toughest seasons for dogs and cats. Events like storms and fireworks can scare pets, causing them to flee and hide. Plus, the hot sun can quickly cause pets to become overheated, over-exhausted, or worse. Think of the pets in your community, and help them stay safe this summer by:

  • Confirming dog-friendly water fountains are fully functional.
  • Keeping sidewalks stable and clean.
  • Maintaining shaded areas in the community dog park.
  • If not already required in the governing documents, encourage homeowners to chip or tag their pets in case they get lost.

Home Safety and Security

While home security is mostly the homeowner’s responsibility, it’s in the best interest of community leaders to make efforts to protect neighborhood homes. Simply demonstrating you prioritize safety can make a world of difference. Other ways to help residents keep their homes safe and secure this summer:

  • Developing and sharing emergency action plans for storms and natural disasters.
  • Providing resources for fence installation and repairs.
  • Urging homeowners to keep lawns well-maintained and tidy.
  • Encouraging participation in community events where neighbors can get to know one another and create close, trusting relationships.
  • Installing security cameras with guidance from your governing documents or association attorney.

HOA Summer Maintenance Enhances Safety

The summer heat can significantly impact building structures, roadways, landscapes, and much more. Keeping your community properly maintained during this time will ensure equipment is functioning as it should, roads and sidewalks don’t pose a safety hazard, and structures and landscapes are suited to prevent crime. Read our ebook, “Summer Maintenance Guide,” to learn what areas we suggest tackling during the summer months to keep your community looking and performing its best all season long.