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FEATURED EBOOK: Seasonal HOA Maintenance Tips

In a homeowners' association (HOA), changing weather conditions can significantly affect your community’s infrastructure. This makes maintaining your HOA as the seasons change a top priority. While that upkeep may look different from one association to the next, there are things all associations can do to maintain operations, structures, and security throughout the year.

As industry-leading experts, Associa has decades of experience helping unique communities across the country handle regular maintenance.  For our "Seasonal Maintenance Tips" ebook, we partnered with Jamie Luke, Associa OnCall’s senior vice president, to create a comprehensive seasonal maintenance guide. Download it now to get the top maintenance and landscaping tasks you can tackle during each season! 

About the Author

Jamie is the senior vice president of Associa OnCall, Associa’s maintenance division. He’s a seasoned leader and maintenance professional, serving in the technology and property management sectors for over 26 years. He’s based at Associa’s headquarters in Dallas, TX.

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