Q1 Branch Updates
Associa Desert Resort Management continues to push its communities ahead in 2023. Here are some of the things we’ve done in the first quarter:
- We’d like to congratulate the following team member for receiving their Certified Community Association Manager (CCAM) designation from the Community Associations Institute (CAI): Sandra Garland, CCAM, Terry Wolfgram, CCAM, and Christie Curtis, CCAM
- There are also several new community association managers joining DRM in 2023. We would like to welcome Nicky Moya, Stacey Baker, and Ronnica Marroquin to the team!
- Our 2023 events schedule started with our annual community leadership educational symposium to help board members better understand their roles in management as well as their individual duties and responsibilities. A series of interactive roundtables hosted by local attorneys and industry experts covered a broad range of topics. They included legal guidance, legislative updates, security solutions, and management tips for community leaders, board members, and volunteers. Vendors also offered live demonstrations, product information, and opportunities to win raffle prizes.
- We also recently held a security training event for our local board members. They received resources to help them navigate common security issues related to community management. Guest speakers included Stacey Austin of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, Jim Curtis of the City of Indio, and William Hutchinson of the Palm Springs Police Department.
- On Saturday, March 4th, we participated in the Great Giveback Project. Desert Resort Management volunteered at The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission. CVRM meets the needs of Coachella Valley’s homeless, hungry and hurting by providing basic needs. We spent our day in the kitchen and dining hall. Our group of 10 was able to prep 3 days’ worth of food for the community, serve a hot meal to those in need, and clean the dining hall. The team left with a renewed sense of gratefulness for all that we have in our lives. Some members of the team are even going back to volunteer in the kitchen again soon.