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A Letter of Appreciation from Holiday Village East

Dear Nancy and Brian,

Thank you for taking immediate action to upright a fallen beautiful, one-year-old, 8’ weeping cherry tree by the Condos. This is another example of our residents and Associa working together.

I’m aware of at least two community residents who reported that the tree had fallen as a result of the high winds from the 4/14/2019 storm. The story doesn’t end.

The two residents were originally in disbelief that the tree would not be reclaimed in time to survive. So, one of the two residents considered trying to upright the tree but didn’t. You see, in this case, the tree was not their responsibility. It was located on “common ground.” As things turned out, the resident’s faith had been restored due to the quick action Associa Mid Atlantic took to see that that the process of resurrecting the tree went through the proper channels to get the job done expeditiously.

The three of us are now “smiling” because the tree was taken care of in a timely fashion.

We were happy to see that our community property management company (Associa Mid Atlantic) was effective in addressing this concern that was reasonably brought to their attention. The process involved patient communication between the residents and Associa Mid Atlantic. It is helpful to have concerns directed to the proper individuals holding an elected position to represent the location of your dwelling. Then, those community leaders can carry out their responsibilities to see that action is taken.

To have a system working smoothly and successfully helps keep our community positive and a place to be proud to be a part of and to reside.

Thank you, Brian and Nancy, for your efforts.


