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Partner Post: 3 Tips for Creating Spring Containers that Wow

Walking outside to find fresh air, sunshine and a beautiful container filled with blooms is a sure sign that spring is here, and adding one of these spring containers is an easy way to refresh your porch or patio.

Get started by finding the perfect planter; there are tons of fun colors and patterns to choose from. Once nighttime temperatures remain above freezing, not dipping below 30°F, you’re reading to plant. 

Before planting, check to make sure the container has drainage holes at the bottom, and use Espoma’s organic potting mix to fill the container along with Espoma’s Bio-tone Starter Plus in the soil to give it that extra oomph.

Here are our top plant choices to fill your containers with this spring.

1. Pick Perennials

English daisies, hellebores, pansies, primroses and bergenia make for good choices for early perennials.  Find out if a plant can’t tolerate the cool temperatures of early spring by referencing the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map.

2. Go for Big Blooms

If you didn’t plant spring-blooming bulbs such as tulips and daffodils in the fall, there’s still a way to get those beautiful flowers. Just stop by your local garden center to pick up already-blooming bulbs and pop them into your container for an instant pick-me-up.

3. Stock up on Hydrangeas

Certain dwarf varieties of hydrangeas can really pack a punch when paired with a decorative container. Find a spot that matches the amount of light they need, and you’re ready to get started.

If you want to grow blue hydrangeas, mix in Espoma Organic Soil Acidifier. For pink hydrangeas, add Espoma’s Organic Garden Lime. Then fill the planter with potting soil, and plant the hydrangea at the same height it was previously growing.

Looking for a different spring project? Learn how to make these easy paint can succulent containers.

About the Author

The Espoma Company has been the pioneer in natural gardening solutions since 1929. Espoma provides an extensive selection of natural products that work in harmony with nature and are safe for people, pets and the planet. The company produces more than 100 products to cover the nutritional needs of plants and to grow beautiful lawns and gardens. Visit <a href=""></a> for more information and tips about organic gardening.