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You Rock!

See what a member of a client community had to say about manager Jill Geiger.

"Thank you for the opportunity to highlight a very special lady, Jill Geiger. I have worked with Jill for at least 5 years. We work together to spread holiday cheer to the less fortunate in our community. Jill spearheads the angel tree donation program here at our community. She works very hard and spends many hours advertising the needs of the families and makes sure the residents are aware of their needs. She makes sure that as many people as possible are able to help. No matter how overwhelmed she is, she never complains and always has a smile. She even delivers the gifts on her own time. I look up to Jill with so much love and respect. She has given Christmas and holiday joy to many families and has never asked for a thank you. It takes a village and I’m blessed to be part of Jill Geiger’s village! She is the BEST!!!!"