Buy, Eat, Do!
Here are some tips for what's on sale, what's in season and what chores are the smartest this season.
Buy: Colorful houseplants for Valentine's Day, bird seed, organic houseplant fertilizer
Eat: Broccoli, carrots, leeks
Do: Start seeds indoors, repot & feed houseplants, prune shrubs & trees
Buy: Cool season vegetables and annuals, new gardening tools, mulch
Eat: Early strawberries and spinach, asparagus, grapefruit
Do: Cut back perennial foliage and ornamental grasses, prune roses, carefully rake flower beds
Buy: Berry shrubs, perennials, organic fertilizer for the garden
Eat: Fennel, lettuce, rhubarb, spinach, spring onions
Do: Clean up beds & add organic fertilizer, plant summer bulbs