
FAQs: HOAs & Politics

Issue link: https://hub.associaonline.com/i/1525597

Contents of this Issue


Page 9 of 11

10 HOW CAN MY HOA INFLUENCE SOME OF THE LAWS IT'S SUBJECT TO? HOAs have a duty to uphold the integrity of the community—that's why they enforce rules and regulations. However, above all else, associations must first abide by layers of local, state, and federal laws. And not all of these laws are favorable. Community associations and the community association management industry are always under the watchful eye of legislators. By creating a positive partnership with legislators, your local government, or other public officers, you have the power to influence decisions and effect change. Here are some of the best ways to get engaged: • Visit legislators in their offices. • Invite legislators to board meetings or annual meetings. • Write a local editorial referencing pending issues. • Provide written materials to legislator offices that explain the impact of legislation. • Send emails, write letters, and make phone calls to legislators. • Get involved with our industry trade group, the Community Associations Institute (CAI), which has Legislative Action Committees (LACs) in 36 states. • Donate money to supportive legislator campaigns or an industry-supporting Political Action Committee (PAC). A PAC, like Associa PAC, provides campaign contributions to legislators who support the community association industry. 7 6 5 4 8 9 10 3 C 11

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