
FAQs: HOAs & Politics

Issue link: https://hub.associaonline.com/i/1525597

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7 AM I ALLOWED TO HOST A POLITICAL EVENT IN MY HOA'S COMMON AREA? It's most likely allowed but with limitations. Residents of HOAs nationwide have a right to peacefully gather on HOA property. Using common areas for homeowner-hosted events, rallies, or gatherings is often a privilege afforded to those who pay dues. Still, your HOA likely has rules and regulations that detail where you can host your event, how you do it, and the type of gathering allowed. Like other bookings, your event will usually require advanced scheduling to avoid potential conflicts with other owner-reserved events. Before planning your event, review your governing documents to ensure your event complies with the HOA's rules and regulations. These documents will include operating rules and approved uses for common areas. 7 6 5 4 8 9 10 3 C 11

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