Many who live in a homeowners' association
(HOA) recognize its value, but it can be difficult
for some homebuyers to look past the common
misconceptions about HOAs. Sure, there are rules
to follow and dues to pay, but these rules and
regulations are designed to make the community
an all-encompassing wonderful place to live.
Understanding how associations function—legally,
politically, socially, and financially—is important
before embarking on the large investment of
a home.
As industry leaders in community association
management, at Associa, we know that moving
into an HOA is a very big decision that may come
with many preconceived notions about living in
a managed community. We've spent the last 40+
years listening to our clients and learning from the
experiences of the past. This knowledge helps us
understand where the misconceptions come from
and how they affect a homebuyer's purchasing
decision. Read on to learn what's myth versus fact
when it comes to living in an HOA.