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Social Committees: Let’s Get Busy

There is no better time volunteering in your community than during the Christmas holiday season. 

While your Council is busy with the day-to-day governance, surely they would welcome participation from fellow homeowners, looking after the fun social gatherings.

Here are a few tips, how you can contribute and get organized:

  1. Contact your Council via the Strata Manager to share your ideas, plans and to gain their support.
  2. Once Council approved a Social Committee, you could use your community web-portal, TownSQ, to advertise and invite more volunteers. TownSQ has the ability to create private committee chat groups and it will be a great platform to announce upcoming social events. You may also want to keep the number of volunteers at a manageable size (depending on the upcoming event type).
  3. Plan the annual event calendar ahead of time. You may also want to send a survey to all owners proposing possible dates to find out the most popular dates.  TownSQ’ s survey option is super easy to use with a voting feature.
  4. Ask the current service providers if they would like to take part in some or all of the planned community events with sponsorships. In most cases you’ll find that your regular Trades will be happy to grab the opportunity to build stronger relationships with their clients and will happily contribute in some shape or form.
  5. Work out the logistics in detail ahead of time and set timelines to avoid unpleasant surprises. Have the needed funds and supplies ready to go a few weeks before the event.
  6. Advertise the social event with a professional look and feel.  Include:
  • Name of event
  • Date, time & place
  • Description of the event (make it positive, upbeat and inviting!)
  • Include contact information of the organizer.
  • Mention the sponsors/include their logos.
  1. After the event post a “Thank You!” announcement for everyone’s support. Create separate, year specific folders on your computer for all your events and save all relevant information, including notices, email correspondence, invoices & event calendars. Social events can make a huge difference in shaping a community to be more friendly, vibrant, lively and to foster stronger cooperation among residents.

Why not start this Christmas with a fun pot-luck community party, Christmas light contest and some raffle prizes! From our families to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas & a successful 2024!

The Associa BC Team