
FAQs: HOAs & Politics

Issue link: https://hub.associaonline.com/i/1525597

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4 As a private organization, your HOA may have the legal right to regulate some political activity, such as political signs or flag displays. While an HOA operates a lot like a local government, it isn't a governmental entity subject to the same controls. Instead, it's a private organization typically registered as a non-profit corporation. Even though some political actions can be considered a form of free speech—a protected, fundamental constitutional right— there are still limits (and often state laws) that govern HOAs in this arena. It's important to reference your state and local laws and governing documents to understand the specifics in your area. As always, consult your board of directors or association lawyer for clarification. And reach out to your community manager for questions. Acting as a liaison between the board and community members, your manager isn't able to create or change the rules, but can speak to the board's decisions and communicate the laws of the land. DOES MY HOA HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO REGULATE A HOMEOWNER'S POLITICAL ACTIVITIES? 7 6 5 4 8 9 10 3 C 11

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