
Maximize HOA Engagement: 6 Tested Ways for Eliciting Homeowner Feedback

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2 WHY RESIDENT INPUT MATTERS As homeowners' association (HOA) board members, it's important to create convenient ways for residents to provide constructive feedback about the state of the association, amenities, plans for the future, and more. Showing that you care and value their opinions promotes transparency, fosters a collaborative spirit, and strengthens bonds within the community. However, encouraging homeowner feedback does more than allow homeowners to share their thoughts. Knowing how they feel also plays a crucial role in helping the board understand and meet the needs of the association. For decades, Associa has worked with tens of thousands of communities to build trust and effective communication between homeowners and HOA leadership. Read on to learn six expert tips for collecting member feedback and how you can use it to guide your board's decision-making process. 7 6 5 4 8 9 10 3 2

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