Associa's Service Dog Project
Associa has engaged in a year-long program to generate awareness and educate our clients
about the role of service animals in communities. We partnered with Patriot PAWS, a Texas-
based nonprofit that trains service animals for Veterans with physical or emotional disabilities,
and are sponsoring the training of a service dog named Scout.
About Scout:
Scout is a black lab that entered Patriot PAWS training in the Spring of 2021. His training will
take up to 18 months, and during that time, he will learn the skills to assist his human in their
day-to-day life.
You can watch a short video of Scout's early training at this link.
If you'd like to follow Scout's journey, please visit the Associa Twitter feed (@Associa) and look
for the hashtag #ScoutsJourney.
Here's Scout as he began his Here's Scout as he began his
journey with Patriot PAWS. journey with Patriot PAWS.
Here's Scout in the Here's Scout in the
Summer of 2021. Summer of 2021.